
In many cases stalking is a problem for both parties.Those being stalked can, for instance, be permanently harmed regarding their health. For them the best solution is that the stalking stops. However, only the person who is stalking can bring this about. Stop-Stalking therefore understands itself as protection for people who are being stalked.
But those who stalk also suffer from their stalking behaviour and its effects. The less their actions lead to their goal, the more frustrating the situation becomes for all involved. Many find their stalking unpleasant and gnawing away at their self-esteem. Noone wants to get old with stalking, stalking is no prospect for life. To the contrary:
  • stalking narrows the perspective
  • stalking costs a lot of time and energy
  • stalking leads to inner emptiness that is “filled” with more stalking
  • stalking enhances loneliness and is perceived as personal suffering
  • stalking is experienced as an addiction, almost as a compulsion
  • stalking is a criminal offence and leads to the intervention of the police and justice
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We offer

Speaking about it is often the first step. That is why Stop-Stalking offers the people who stalk to share their suffering and find a way out of their stalking behaviour.

If you stalk, if you are being accused of stalking, or if you feel vulnerable:

  • You can get in touch with us anonymously and without any obligation.
  • We will listen to you without judgement and check, if there is a basis for a longterm counseling.
  • If you have experienced personal offences or feel misunderstood, we will treat you with respect.
  • The goal of the counseling is to find out what made you start to stalk someone and what you need in order to achieve a fulfilled, self determined life without stalking.
  • You can get in touch with us anonymously and without any obligation.
  • We will listen to you without judgement and check, if there is a basis for a longterm counseling.
  • If you have experienced personal offences or feel misunderstood, we will treat you with respect.
  • The goal of the counseling is to find out what made you start to stalk someone and what you need in order to achieve a fulfilled, self determined life without stalking.

We also counsel relatives and friends and professionals dealing with stalking.

The first contact:

  • By telephone or via e-mail
  • For the first session we fix an appointment. During the session we clarify your concern and your current situation.
  • We listen to you and examine if you need long-term counseling or if an information conversation will suffice.
  • For a longterm counseling we sign a counseling agreement and define the sub-goals. We discuss the first steps and offer you assistance on the way to desisting stalking.
  • At your request we recommend further help at other institutions.

We do not offer legal counseling. We preserve confidentiality according to § 203 of the German Criminal Code. That means that the information entrusted to us will not be shared with anyone else without your consent. Our service is free of charge.

Online counselling for people who stalk

Through the link below, you can seek advice from a Stop-Stalking counsellor by email, or book an appointment for counselling via chat. These features are located on the server of the counselling network, but you correspond one-to-one with a counsellor from Stop-Stalking. After you have provided an alias, a so-called nickname, and chosen a password, you will receive a link, via which you can use the email feature or log on to the chatroom.

Online counselling for people who stalk